Thomas Rush
Recent Paintings
Selected Paintings
Still Life Series 2019–2025
Paintings 2015–2019
Harmony in Chaos Period 2006–2013
SF/Bolinas 2003–2006
France 2000–2002
Guadalajara Period 1991–1996
Some Early Paintings
On Making Art
About the Artist
"The tiny, enduring wheel set deep in the clanging, churning machinery of the art trade—the artist himself.
—Mavis Gallant
"A consistent body of work” is a convenient marketing ploy or academic constraint. It has nothing to do with an artist’s creativity or genius.
Pano of Studio 607, May 2023
Blue Heart - 36x48" - Oil on canvas
Mountain with Oud - 36x48" - Oil on canvas
Old Blue, 42x48" Oil on canvas
Flight into Egypt, 39x52" Oil on canvas
Untitled - (31 March 2023) - 40x40" - Oil on canvas [Private collection]
Still Life in a Landscape (Maluby) - 42x44" - Oil on canvas
Figure in a Forest of His Own Making, 40x40" Oil on Canvas
Adriana, 42x57" Oil on canvas
Mountain with Yellow Pear, 42x48" Oil on canvas
Cela me ferait plaisir, 49x53" Oil on canvas
Emergence, 50x94" Oil on canvas
Odd Man Out - 16x20" - Oil on canvas
The Blind Leading the Blind - 48x48" - Oil on canvas
At the Gate, 43x50" Oil on canvas
Floating Still Life with Two Bottles - 30x40" (76,2 x 101,6 cm) - Oil on canvas
The White Wine Bottle 16x13" - Oil on canvas
La Route de Mons (Pine Gulch Creek) - 44x64" - Oil on canvas [Private collection]
Two Goldfish, 48x48" Oil on canvas
At the Window - 64x44" - Oil on canvas
Aphrodite Rising from the Sea, 48x42" Oil on canvas
Black Table with Mangoes, Oil on canvas 40x40"
Dream Sequence, 30x48" Oil on canvas
Vacances des champignons, 24x30" Oil on canvas
Still Life with Jewel Box, 40x40" Oil on canvas
Still Life with Bottle and Abalone [SL#17], Oil on Canvas 40x40" [Private collection]
Still Life #16, Oil on canvas 30x40"
Amusement Park Revisited, Oil on canvas 40x30" (101.6x76.2cm)
Airmail Cello, 40x44" Oil on canvas
Han Shan Using a Lever to Move the World, 29x39" Oil on canvas
Noticeable Differences, 40x40" Oil on canvas [Private collection]
Still Life #14, Oil on canvas 30x48"
[Untitled (Green and Reds)] Oil on canvas 36x36" (91.4x91.4cm)
Yellow Bottle, Oil on canvas 40x30"
Still Life with Books (diptych), 40x60" Oil on canvas
Still Life #5, 30x40" Oil on canvas
Two Bowls of Fruit, 30x40" Oil on canvas
Homage to a Basket of Water, 40x40 Oil on canvas
Celadon Fence, 36x36" Oil on canvas
Kites, Oil on canvas 36x36" (91.4x91.4cm)
Landscape with Mirrors, 36x48" Oil on canvas
White Egyptian Heron, 36x42" Oil on canvas [Private collection]
Amusement Park with Minotaur and Ganesh, 26x42" Oil on canvas
Landscape with Floating Rectangle, Oil on canvas 16x20" (40.6x50.8cm) (Private collection)
The Park Below Seen Through the Red Window - 30x40" - Oil on canvas
On the Road to Oaxaca, November 1975, 46x29" Oil on canvas
Landscape with Floating Still Life, 48x30" Oil on Canvas
Mountains, Yellow River, 20x24" Oil on canvas
44x64" - Oil on canvas [Private collection]
Green Pear - 36x36" - Oil on canvas [Private collection]
Memories of a French Countryside Afternoon - 48x48" - Oil on canvas
Wrought-Iron Balcony - 48X36" - Oil on canvas
Statue - 48x36" - Oil on canvas [Private collection]
Recent Paintings
Selected Paintings
Still Life Series 2019–2025
Paintings 2015–2019
Harmony in Chaos Period 2006–2013
SF/Bolinas 2003–2006
France 2000–2002
Guadalajara Period 1991–1996
Some Early Paintings
On Making Art
About the Artist